
School Uniform
From September 1999 Governors and parents agreed to adopt a required Code of Dress. This comprises of a school sweatshirt and polo shirt. These can be purchased from the school office. (See details below) Grey or black trousers, skirts, leggings are purchased independently by parents/guardians. Jeans are NOT permitted. The school occasionally has a selection of second-hand garments which parents are welcome to buy at a much reduced price. Proceeds from these garments go to the school funds.

All clothing should be named clearly. This helps us return lost items of clothing to their owners.

Children should wear sensible shoes which they can fasten by themselves. Children can easily manage shoes with Velcro fastenings, buckles or slip-on shoes. Lace up shoes can be difficult for young children.

PE – indoor PE is taught in the hall. Children wear navy or black shorts and a white t-shirt and work in bare feet. When the weather is fine children may be taught outside and will need a pair of navy jogging bottoms and a pair of elsatic sided plimsolls. PE kits should be named and kept in a bag marked with your child’s name and class number.

Outdoor Clothing – please make sure that coats, hats, scarves, gloves/mittens, boots etc are clearly marked with your child’s name. The name should be in a prominet place. Please check regularly to make sure it is still clear enough to read.

Jewellery – Children are permitted to wear small stud earrings only. Ideally no jewellery should be worn in school. Insurance cover is not provided against loss, damage, theft of property of pupils. We cannot accept responsibilty for any such items.

For PE lessons all jewellery must be removed, incuding stub earrings. This is in accordance with Local Authority guidance and the school’s PE safety policy.

To order School Uniform please complete an order form showing the size, colour and number of each item required. Enclose the correct payment with the order, cheques to be made payable to Stocksbridge Nursery Infant School with the cheque card guarantee number on the reverse and post into the post box in reception. Your order will be ready for collection from reception on the Thursday following the placement of your order.

If you would like to check the size of a garment, you are welcome to see Mrs Merryman in school office.

School Uniform Order Forms can be collected from the school reception.