

The role of the Governing Body
The Governing Body helps the school provide the best possible education for its pupils. It provides the Headteacher and the staff with support, advice and information, drawing on its members’ knowledge and experience.

The Governing Body has the responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the school’s effectiveness in the interests of the school and its pupils. The governing Body has the right to discuss, question and refine proposals – while always respecting the professional roles of the Headteacher and staff, and their responsibilities for the management of the school. In its turn the Governing Body answers for its actions, above all to parents and the wider local community for the school’s overall performance.

The Governing Body is made up of:

Elected parent representatives
An elected representative of the teaching & the support staff
The Headteacher
Co-opted members (governors that are not school staff or parents but have particular knowledge and skills to support the school)

Current Governing Body

Ms Kathleen Clarke (Chair of Governors, Co-Opted, Safeguarding Link Governor) – email

Mrs Tamsin Bond (Co Vice-Chair, Co-Opted, Finance & Attendance Link Governor) – email

Ms Zoe Tingle (Co-Opted, Health & Safety and Communications Link Governor) – email

Mrs Ann North (Co-Opted, SEND and Stockbridge Junior School Link Governor) – email

Mrs Joanne Wilkinson (Parent Governor, Curriculum and Data Link Governor) – email

Mrs Ruth Parker (Co-Opted, Pupil Premium and Looked After Children) - email

Mrs Heather Haigh (Parent Governor, Training link Governor) – email

Mr Peter Monfort (Co-Opted) - email

The Governing body is also made up of school staff;

Mrs Jane Townsend (Headteacher) – email

Mrs Alison Priest (SEN) - email

The full Governing Body meets twice per term. There are five sub-committees – Personnel, Pay Policy, Curriculum, Premises/Health and Safety and Finance.